Friday, October 14, 2005

supplying #23-24

Yesterday involved teaching Grade 6 in the morning & library in the afternoon. I was slated to teach resource in the morning but there was a no show at the school, so I covered the Gr. 6 class. I wish I had a copy of Holes or one of the Potter books with me because it is so much fun reading good books to kids. I taught Grade 2 at my old school today. We read some Dr. Seuss during spare moments. We read 3 stories from The Sneetches and Other Stories. It's a wonderful book with important social messages. During lunch I spoke to a parent of one of the kids I taught last Friday. She told me that her daughter really enjoyed hearing me read Holes and she's now reading the book herself. I have to credit Clint Eastwood and Mr. Pederman (from Seinfeld) for providing such wonderful voices on which I can model my reading!