Wednesday, August 23, 2006

where did the summer go?

With two days left at Trinity I cannot believe the summer break is almost over. The past eight weeks have flown by. I now stand thirteen days from the threshold of another school year. Yikes!

I'm going to visit the St. Lawrence Market tomorrow with my class. Following that we will go out for one final dinner together. Here is a list of songs my students have learned this summer:
  • The Outdoor Type (Lemonheads)
  • The Lottery Song (Harry Nilsson)
  • SOS (ABBA)
  • With or Without You (U2)
  • About a Girl (Nirvana)
  • Dedicated Follower of Fashion (Kinks)
  • Yellow Submarine (Beatles)
  • Polly Brown (Sugarplastic)
  • Staines Morris (Fairport Convention)
  • MMM MMM MMM MMM (Crash Test Dummies)
  • Superman's Song (Crash Test Dummies)
  • Confrontation (Les Miz)
  • Castle on a Cloud (Les Miz)
  • Hotel California (the Eagles)
While the above 14 songs cover a lot of ground, I did miss a few of my musical deities, including the Byrds, the Zombies, Donovan, Badfinger, Weezer, the Guess Who, and Led Zep. If I could teach one more song, it would have to be "Strangers" by the Kinks. I have a gut feeling my group would like that tune. In fact, I better end this entry here. I'm off to plan ...