Tuesday, December 12, 2006

lemonheads, no dice

Was supposed to see The Lemonheads with my friend Ru at Lee's Palace tonight. After work I strolled over to Soundscapes (a nice music shop in Little Italy) and discovered they were out of tickets. No problemo. I sauntered up to CD Replay at Bloor & Bathurst (right next door to Lee's Palace) only to find out they no longer deal with concert tickets. "We haven't sold tickets in about three years man," said the cashier with the Beatlesque hairdo. Drag. I next walked to Yonge & Bloor to check out Sunrise Music. The guy at the counter told me that day-of tickets can't be sold after 4pm. I checked my trusty Swatch and noticed that it was nearly 6pm. Actually, I think my eyes sprung out of their sockets like in a cartoon. Double drag. No Lemonheads. Oh well, I got to meet Evan Dando back in June 2003 & I've got a mountain of Lemonheads/Dando CDs to choose from.