Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Seoul Station

We took a bus to Insadong with one of my nieces today. My wife's brother has a piano shop there. His shop is in an enormous building filled with music shops.

We had lunch in a restaurant that specializes in cold noodle dishes called naeng-myung. I chose to be rebellious and not have naeng-myung. Instead I had be-bim-bap. Be-bim-bap is a dish that mixes vegetables with rice and red pepper paste (go-chew-jang). In addition to the red pepper paste, this restaurant offered a special kind of soy bean paste (dwen-jang). I had never considered mixing dwen-jang with be-bim-bap before, but today the unthinkable became reality and reality tasted pretty delicious.

After Insadong we took a bus, which was surprisingly empty, to Seoul Station, which features a giant new shopping centre. The little one wanted to walk around while we were shopping so we took her out of the stroller. Getting her back into the stroller was more challenging than the Twelve Labours of Hercules combined.
