Tuesday, October 19, 2004

second half marathon: toronto

Sunday October 17
7:00am wake up
7:30am leave home with Mom & Moe (our guests)
8:00am find the line-up with the race kits
8:15am get my race kit
8:20am tie the chip (timer) to my shoe
8:25am walk (briskly) to the back of the starting area
8:30am hear the horn that starts the race
8:35am start running
8:36am start Evita (disk one) on my disk player
9:28am restart Evita (disk one) while on Bayview Avenue
10:20am cross the finish line
10:30am drink lots of water & poweraid
10:40am buy a fleece vest
11:00am eat an omlette & drink coffee at the Future Bakery
11:05am talk about the run with SJ, K, Mom, & Moe
11:15am drink more coffee