Sunday, August 22, 2004

half marathon #2

It is now 3:30 Monday afternoon. Katie and I ventured out to the Kyobo Bookshop today. I got some gifts for people back home and bought Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix for myself. Finished reading The Goblet of Fire last night. The end was shocking. That's all I'm going to say. It's a great book, and the ending is absolutely shocking.

Here is a bit more about the half marathon in Mi-so-de yesterday:

To the left of the finishing line was a big red fire truck. Why do you think it was there? While reading this sentence, you can ponder over this question. Okay, that's enough time. The fire truck was a shower station. On finishing the race, runners had the option of walking over to the fire truck and having the fire fighter use the fire hose to shower them. I was torn. I didn't want to get my shoes soaking wet, but I really wanted to have a fire truck shower. The fire truck shower won out in the end.

After my fire truck shower, I went to check out the snack tables with my brother-in-law and his friend (who ran the half marathon in 1:38). The first table had fresh watermelon juice, the next had duk (rice cakes), the third had tofu, and the final table offered mak-a-lee (a sort of rice wine). I only went to the watermelon juice table. I probably had about ten bowls. I'm probably the reason they soon ran out of watermelon juice.
