Tuesday, August 17, 2004

aquarium / olympics

Kyung Ja brought something home for Katie tonight. She brought a bag filled with six fish. Suk Ja and Kyung Ja reactivated the fish tank yesterday evening. I think Kyung Ja came to this decision after last night's episode. Ah, last night's episode. We went out for kal-be (beef table BBQ). A short while before we left, Katie went to our neighbour's flat to look at their aquarium. When it came time to go out for dinner, Katie became a very difficult person to handle. I am using the word handle here for a reason. It took three adults to get Katie from the aquarium down to the car. Katie may be very small, but I'm starting to think that she could have a future in Judo.

The Olympics have begun. I keep track of Korea and Canada's medal count on my marker boards at school. I always predict that Canada may get 100 medals by tomorrow. As of this afternoon it was South Korea - 3 and Canada - 1. I've just checked espn.com, and it's presently South Korea - 4, North Korea - 3, Canada - 1. Teaching is really cutting into my Olympics-viewing time.
