Thursday, August 19, 2004

jaeng-ban no-dae-bang

I have wanted to post an entry about the television show jaeng-ban no-dae-bang all summer. Jaeng-ban means tray in Korean. No-dae-bang means singing room. But what on earth do trays (silver serving trays) have to do with karaoke?

In this show five celebraties wear middle school uniforms. They sit in a horizontal line on the floor with their legs crossed. They listen to a famous Korean song once. The song is not new, but rather is an old song with which everyone is familiar (from their childhood). Everyone listens closely and tries to memorize the lyrics to the entire song. Then, the five celebraties are given numbers and handed spoons. The numbers indicate the order in which they will have to sing the song. Everyone is responsible for two segments of the song. After getting their numbers, they have to trade seats so they’re sitting in the proper order. Suspended above the celebraties, hanging from thin wires are five metal serving trays.

Now the fun begins.

Once the celebraties are sitting in their proper order, the music begins and they have to sing the song perfectly. They hold spoons in their hands like microphones. If anyone misses a lyric, down drop the trays on everyone’s heads! Ouch! The team gets 10 chances to get through the song perfectly. They are given a little bit of time between tries to go over the lyrics together. It's very entertaining when one or two people can't remember their lines.

I wish we had a show like this in Toronto.
