Monday, February 18, 2008

6 mts later ...

Yikes! Has it been 6 months since my last post? I'll have to newsreel myself back-up-to-date in a series of fleeting words: start work new school (which happens to be K's school), work on thesis proposal, teach TESL course on weekends in Sept, celebrate K's birthday (she's 5), read lots of Shaffer (both Peter and Anthony), rework plays, celebrate SJ's birthday, read lots of Stoppard, prepare term 1 report cards, teach TESL course on weekends in Dec, work on a project for JR (not Ewing) during winter holidays, read lots of hockey books, teach TESL course on weekends in Jan, apply for the fringe festival, achieve a certain degree of enlightenment in watching the season premier of LOST (what's up with these freighter people anyway?), get accepted into the fringe festival, await booking of thesis proposal hearing, begin term 2 report cards, cast the play (quite painless), and begin readings/rehearsals for fringe festival ... whew! That was busy.