Friday, August 26, 2005

1 day ...

The past two days have been occuped by editing and birthday party errands. The paper I've been working on has transformed from a nice little vignette into an epic so vast that would make the Bronte sisters shudder (and that's saying something!). But enough about the essay ...

K's party will begin in about 20 hours. I now know exactly how the organizers of Woodstock must have felt before the opening of the festival. Yep. No doubt about it. Ah, you are skeptical. "Surely a toddler's birthday party has nothing in common with a rock festival," you chuckle. Or does it? Backstage areas of rock festivals can be filled with individuals who receive a certain amount of pandering and place unique demands on the catering industry. Well, I have to be honest ... Toddlers also command a degree of pandering, and, at times, may place special catering requests.

K is almost three. I can't believe it. When I turned three Tom Baker was still in his first season as Doctor Who! Was it that long ago?