Tuesday, August 16, 2005

summer break update

The secret to updating is to remember your password.

Well, it's August 16th already and the summer break is winding down. My course on Ethnicity is done ... except for that minor detail of writing a paper. Updating my blog is a nice way of putting off the paper (sit tight, this is going to be a long entry).

July involved a parade of various sushi and sashimi dishes as SJ was in the midst of taking a Japanese cuisine course. Delicious. During our spare time, we visited relatives and went to a few BBQs. I saw Weezer on July 9th with a friend from work. This reminds me that I've got to get their new album. On July 15th Ru and I went to a Star Trek convention. Ru and I have been in a couple of plays together. Don't worry though, we never fight over who gets more lines ... no, with my feeble memory, that's never an issue. While at the convention, we had the luck of running into one Dalek and the misfortune of running into two Klingons. Those damn Klingons!

I can't write about July without mentioning Harry Potter. In fact, as you can see, Harry Potter deserves a new paragraph. Reading Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince was like stepping onto a literary rollercoaster, which climaxes with a shocking revelation where Harry learns that ... no, sorry folks, no spoilers here. I'll just say that the ending is shocking!