Sunday, March 27, 2005

march break snapshots

Visited the AGO on Tuesday. Katie didn't appreciate the rule about not eating crackers. She did enjoy making cut-out window/pictures in the basement workspace. Suk Ja and I tried to tell Katie about the Group of 7, but the only group she was interested in was the next group of crackers she'd get to gobble up. She liked some of the sculptures, but not the frightening ones by Moore.

Wednesday involved long car rides, visiting the Severn River & Granny Grace, Weber's fries, and a very exciting barfing incident. This makes two barfing episodes in one week (not that anyone's counting).

On Friday we journeyed to Niagara Falls. Katie got to spend her energy with Mickie & Maddie (two of her little cronies) strolling along walkway, which runs parallel to the falls. It was a pretty short stroll, but to the kids it was probably an Odyssey. Not quite shorts weather yet.

Yesterday involved visiting relatives. As we were getting ready to go, Katie gave us a nice little temper tantrum that would've made John McEnroe blush. So, we went out with a bang and many whimpers!
