Thursday, July 22, 2004


Returned my CD today.  With the 12 000 won I got back, I went searching for a ppong-ppong-e stuffed animal.  What is ppong-ppong-e, you ask?  Ppong-ppong-e is a very cute character on a Korean kids show.  Ppong-ppong-e is like a big orange teddy bear with a head that looks a bit like a tomato.  Ppong-ppong-e dances around and farts sometimes.  There's also a robot character on the show.  Whenever the robot smells one of ppong-ppong-e's farts, he transforms into a human.  It's very funny.  I ran around downtown searching for a ppong-ppong-e toy.  Eventually I found one between Jongno 1 and Jongno 3.  I asked the lady how much the smaller ppong-ppong-e doll was.  She said it was 15 000 won, but I could have it for 13 000 won.  I offered 10 000 won and she said I could have it for 12 000 won.  I bought it and I've been in Katie's good books since she got her new little friend!
