Thursday, July 08, 2004


Went with my wife and nieces to a No-dae-bang last night. A no-dae-bang is a singing room. No-dae is the verb to sing in Korean and bang means room. No-dae-bangs are often located in the basement of a building. Like caves, they have corridors (the lobby and hallways), which lead into seperate tunnels (the individual singing rooms). This is how I like to think of them anyway.
No-dae-bangs were created by good singers as a creative form of punishment for those who are not quite ready for Broadway. On setting foot in a no-dae-bang, I know that eventually I'm going to be asked to sing a song. I also know that after declining, I'm going to be asked again, and again, and again. Eventually, I have to sing a song. It is never a pretty thing. The truly unfortunate thing is that I always choose songs I respect and love, and then end up turning them into something rather upsetting. Last night I sang We Will Rock You (by Queen). I don't think I'll ever try singing that song again.
