Sunday, September 04, 2005

take me out to the ballgame

For K's 3rd birthday, Monahan gave us tickets to the Jays game. Monahan and I taught together when we were in teacher's college, way back when Shawn Green & David Wells were Jays. The tickets were very nice. We were situated 9 rows up right on the 3rd base line. Not bad at all. I took some baseball card quality photos and some photos of K too. K loved the Jays mascot. And why not? Where else can you see a human-shaped / -sized blue jay darting around like Groucho Marx? For K this was live entertainment at its best. We stayed for the entire game, but K fell asleep in the 8th inning. She lasted longer than Dave Bush, who started for the Jays. Bush had a commanding outing, allowing one earned run in 7 innings. Such a performance would usually translate into a win, but, unfortunately for Bush, the Jays, and the fans, that's all Tampa needed. The final score was Tampa Bay 1, Blue Jays 0.