Friday, May 19, 2006

may 19

I've been meaning to post something here for ages but diapers have gotten in the way. Where to begin? Well, let's take things in chronological order. Rather than providing detailed entries, I'm going to have to sketch out the past few months.

Through February I continued supplying and working on a research project with some people at the uni. We moved on the last day of the month. Moving is lothsome. Especially when you have enough books and antique furniture to fill a museum. Our new place has a lovely old hardwood floors (which, for better or worse, creek), and, since it's made of brick, there's no chance of having a nasty wolf stoll by and blow it down. We have a basement flat and a nice tenant who shares names with a well known rock star. While this makes my wife and I landlords, I can assure you that we are in no way similiar to Mr. and Mrs. Roper.

In March S was born. She's as wonderful as her big sister and that's a very special thing indeed. Around the time of S's birth I bought a bunch of Donovan CDs and read his autobiography. That makes her a Donovan music baby. Very groovy. K was a Byrds baby, by the way. I don't know what music-baby I am, but I do know that I used to love the song "Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Old Oak Tree."

I started an LTO at K's school in March. I'm teaching a Grade 4 class and it's fun. I've never taught Grade 4 before. While some of the kids know the classic rock of the 60's none of them know of the Game & Watch phemenon of the 80's. Well, actually they do know Game & Watch now, thanks to me. And to think, video gaming history isn't even in the curriculum. How ridiculous is that?

In the middle of March I took my mom to see Randy Bachman & Burton Cummings to see a taping in the CBC building. On the last day of the month I went to see Ray Davies with a couple of friends. I got to meet him after the show and got him to sign a Lola CD booklet and a copy of his autobiography. There's a story behind that but I'll put it down later [Note to self: include Ray Davies anecdote in an future entry]. The Godfather of Britpop wearing a scarf Rupert Bear style. Smashing!

Like February and March, April was a complete blur. I taught another course and continued work on the research project at the uni. I also finished my final papers for my own last two courses and submitted them. Finishing the multiple linear regression assignment made me feel like Frodo as he stepped out of Mount Doom. Now that I know what T, P, and z scores are I feel much closer to nirvana. Oh yeah, much closer (wink, wink). I'm now finished the coursework for my Ph.D. and am getting ready for my comps, proposal, and ethics review.

I'm now in a routine of taking K to school in the morning on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Then, I take her home at lunch and return to the school ... always making sure to pass a cafe along the way. I pop into K's class whenever I have a break, which is super. I took my class to Casa Loma a couple of weeks ago and the weather cooperated quite nicely. Our tour guide was magnificent ... truely over the top. My class performed a couple of songs I wrote at the Spring Concert last night. The songs have tremendous social significance, which is evident in their titles: Pastry Eating Machine and Super Mario.