Saturday, December 03, 2005

supplying #49-51 & much, much more

I suppose I've gotten into the habit of updating on Fridays or Saturdays over an invigorating cup of coffee. Well, who am I to fight anything that includes coffee.

What's new? K has three Advent Calendars. My mom got one for me, one for SJ, and one for K. Somehow this evolved into an arrangement where K eats from her own Advent Calendar first thing in the morning, then, as the day goes on, offers us the service of taste-testing the daily chocolate from our calendars! A very crafty set up indeed.

Teaching and research was busy this week. I supplied at Coffee Time school on Monday for my neighbour from a few weeks ago. It was a Gr. 5/6 class. On Tuesday I prepared a presentation for my evening class and also prepared for my meeting with a prof following class (for my gradship work). On Wednesday a prof and I went to a school to interview people. We started at 9am and finished around 8pm (as we met with parents in the evening). The school was very accommodating and fed us well. Very well! The following day I supplied at Katie's school. The Gr. 3 class was super. I brough a Lemony Snicket book and The Cat in the Hat and read to them during some of their deskwork tasks. Today, was another busy day. In the morning I taught SK at a school that starts its day at 8:55 (a lovely start time) and then scooted over to the uni for a steering committee meeting connected to one of the research projects with which I'm involved.

There is something else to mention ... We sold our place on Monday. It had been on the market for 4 days. We're going househunting this weekend and this is the sort of shopping I adore. Big budget shopping!