Monday, September 04, 2006

doll house, zoo

In the interest of continuity (something I rarely adhere to in this blog), I am happy to report that K's dollhouse was put together last Wednesday. I spent the first part of the day setting up my room for the new school year and then drove up to Yorkdale with SJ and K. As K was sleeping in the car it was I who sped into Sears to pick up the dollhouse package. On the second floor I purchased a much needed coffee while I was waiting for the package. When the lady at the upstairs booth gave me a medium-sized box I turned an about face but was quickly called back. It seems that the medium-sized box I had merely held the accessories (little furniture). After accepting my pick-up ticket I made my way down to a downstairs pick-up booth and then waited for a much larger and heavier box. Edging my way back to the car balancing two boxes and a coffee must have looked pretty amusing.

On Thursday after doing some classroom set up and errands at the uni I headed to the zoo with SJ, K, S, and our niece Moon-Sook. It was a sunny day and although shorts were in order, I would not describe it as a hot afternoon. We arrived at the zoo shortly before 4pm. Knowing that the zoo closes at 7:30pm in the summer we had our work cut out for us. We began with the Africa section then explored Canada and Australasia. We didn't quite see everything but we saw quite a bit [more to follow ...]